July 22, 2009

SOAR. Go Aggies!

So yesterday I went up to Utah State for something called SOAR. Its a new student orientation. I learned all about whats available to me, my major, and got a feel for the campus. It was a really fun thing.

I registered for all my classes while I was there also, here's a peek at my classes!
Music Theory I
Keyboard Harmony
Aural Skills I
Piano Pedigogy Practicum
Psychological Statistics
University Choral
...Sounds like fun eh?! I'm really excited. I also got to look at my dorm room for Fall and I'm just glad to report it has a pretty good sized closet :) Here's a picture of the layout of my living space.

So I have to admit that the best thing about this trip was the great deal that I got at the USU Bookstore. There they were selling MacBook laptops for a hugely discounted price of $850. With that they would give you a free iPod Touch and hp printer.... umm wow! So we totally did it :) I'm so excited. Technically I had to buy the iPod and then they will send me a full rebate on it. So virtually it IS free. But Wowzah! That was a good deal. And I had a lot of fun at SOAR!


Sarah Z said...

i suppose what you mean by "we totally did it", you mean mom & dad totally did it! ;-} And if you're lookin to get rid of your 'old' Ipod, i know someone whoes interested!

Grandmotherfairy said...

How exciting...make sure that you stop in and see Dave and Annette in all your spare time!

Sherry said...

Yes, Em it was a great day at SOAR!! But we are so sad that you will moving away:( It's a good thing you aren't that far away from home. We hope you will be able to come home often!


I changed my font at thecutestblogontheblock.com