As many of you might know Jennie, Mom, and I have been on a diet as of late. 1 week to be exact. This diet deal is requiring us to drink lots and lots of water almost constantly. Thus, for the past week, the sentence used most often in our houshold is. "I have to pee". We cannot even get through a full movie without stopping at least 4 times for a potty break. I used to go maybe 3 times a day max and yesterday alone I went 12 times... 12 times! Its kind of ridiculous. But I guess it adds some personal comic relief to the over-used and blunt phrase that is often labeled as TMI.
Last Sunday in Nauvoo…
2 weeks ago
Good for you guys! Yes, we see dear john all the time around here except Maya has gone to the extreme in the past week 20 times a day! It is killing us!
At least we have 3 toilets Em! That is a blessing. I have to admit that I haven't been as good about all the drinking as you have. But still, I have quadrupled my visits with John.
This may sound dumb, but isnt it kind of fulfilling to examine the toilet (come on we all do it) and see that the water is clear and not even yellow? It is so good for you! I am really proud of you guys. Keep up your hard work!
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