January 16, 2010

Confessions of a Shopaholic

Hi, my name is Emily and I am a shopaholic.
I have a problem. haha Just kidding! But really, over Christmas break I really felt like one. I bought 2 pairs of shoes, a pan, a journal, a piano book, 2 dresses, 8 movies, 4 CD's, and a book. When I am away at school spending money is a hard thing for me to do. I do not like to buy things unless I really need them or love them. And once I got my Christmas money, it took me 3 unfruitful shopping trips before I found reason to spend money. I have found that I have certain vices that I have a hard time resisting when I have money to spend. Shoes, of course (everyone knows I have a problem with that one), movies (this is a recent and horrible temptation), and music. Those are the main ones. I think if I admit that these things are hard to resist then they will get easier to do so. We'll see :)

Overview of Winter Break!

(Sorry for being a bad poster lately :) ... again.) I'll do better!!!
I was fortunate while I was home to spend many fun nights friends; here are some highlights.
Wal Mart runs :)
Mmmm Shogun midnight sushi is the best!!
I'm really proud of this pretty picture I took
Jumping pictures!
Tay and Em
Best of all... UGLY SWEATER DATE
Emily, Justin, Lexie, Kameron, Nick, and Denise
Lexie and I got "caught up" in our awesome sweaters :)
Thanks to everyone who made my break SUPER fun!! It was much needed. Now its back to the old grind. :)


I changed my font at thecutestblogontheblock.com