September 30, 2009

And Today's Forcast Is...

High of 37 degrees (not including wind chill) 
in september...

September 27, 2009

LDS Gems

I discovered something amazing that I feel I must share. It is called LDS Gems. Go onto the LDS website, connect to the library and then click the link for LDS Gems. You can select Youth, Single Adult, Family, or Church History Gems. Gems are quotes from the general authorities that will be sent to your email every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I have recieved some of the most touching and inspiring quotes through this and it reminds me through the week to keep my perspective. I highly encourage doing it! Just type in your email and you are subscribed!

Sunday's Spiritual Thought

Today was my first fast and testimony meeting in my college ward. I had heard that there is never a gap in testimonies in my ward and I found this to be very true. I feel strongly that I will learn great and beautiful lessons from the people in my ward. We are all experiencing the same types of things and can relate to spiritual struggles. Through this I know we will learn and grow through each others testimonies. I bore mine today. One of my New Year's Resolutions was to bearing my testimony more often. I have doing well with it seeing as this is the first resolution I can even remember still in September. I set this goal  because of what amazing things it does for me. I truly believe that a testimony is strengthened in the bearing of it. I talked about my struggles the first week of school and how I have grown from them. Something that I mentioned was a phrase that hit me in the General Relief Society meeting, which was amazing! Pres. Eyring said, "Determination is a result of faith". I know that this is something I needed to have reiterated to me. My faith has driven me to stay determined in my way on the path through this hard and different experience of college. I am grateful for what I am learning and for the great joy that is mine through the gospel. 

September 25, 2009


So I came back to my apartment last Sunday to find my roommates making peanut butter cookies from a recipe they found on the internet. Little did I know that it would turn into a typical college cooking experience. Until I smelled it... haha

September 13, 2009

Sunday's Spiritual Thought

"Adam fell that men might be, and men are, that they might have joy".
Joy is more than happiness, it encompasses your entire being. Joy is an eternal emotion. Unlike most emotions, joy has the ability to last fully for long periods of time. The purest and most bright feeling I have ever experienced is sure joy in the gospel and in my Savior. I know that this gospel is the light and the only way to experience everlasting and eternal joy. I am so grateful that I have this knowledge. I recognize the immense blessing that it is for me to be able to feel joy now, and if I choose wisely, forever.
"In order to have joy, you need to understand that, as a child of your Heavenly Father, you inherited divine traits and spiritual needs--and just like a fish needs water, you need the gospel and the companionship of the Holy Ghost to be truly, deeply happy. Because you are the offspring of God (see Acts 17:28), it is incompatible with your eternal nature to do wrong and feel right. It cannot be done. It is part of your spiritual DNA, as it were, that peace, joy, and happiness will be yours only to the degree you live the gospel."
-Marcus B. Nash Ensign, Nov. 2006, 49

September 1, 2009

New Moon Baby!

Click on this link for the latest New Moon Meet Jacob Black trailer. AHH! :) I am very excited so far with how they've done on my favorite book of the series. This book beat them all combined! This new trailer/commentary helped confirm my "Team Jacob" status :)

This second link is an extended edition trailer. Some of the footage doesn't have the best quality, but it's quite the extra peek! I liked both of them a lot. They're great! Can't wait for the movie!!! With this link you might need to copy and paste. For it to work. Let them sit and buffer for a while so you don't have breaks. On my computer they needed a good 3 or 4 minutes to load so there wouldn't be any interruptions. ENJOY!


I changed my font at